Greetings! Hope you all are doing well and if you are like me wishing for spring to hurry up and get here!
As some of you may have read on my personal blog - Jason - my husband - is being deployed at the beginning of the month to the Middle East for 5 months. Everyone is leaving me : ( It's ok. I still have lots of family and friends to support me during all these transitions. Please keep our family in your prayers. Since he is leaving soon, we are taking a few days off work to spend some quality time together as a family. I know you will all understand. Just leave messages and I will get them when I get a chance.
My assistant Misti is getting married next week to my brother. That's how I got Misti to start working here. She was dating Daniel and seemed like a great fit for me here at the studio. I am so happy for them and excited about the journey they are about to embark upon. My brother is an incredible guy, such a southern gentleman and hard worker, I'm proud to be his sister.
Misti has been offered a full time job elsewhere and will be leaving around the first part of May. I know, I know.... tears : ( I am truly sad that she's leaving, but I totally understand the need for a full time job. We will miss you Misti and hope you can come to the studio whenever you get a chance. So it will be in my hands for a while. Please be patient with me as I will be training a new girl in the near future.
Here are some recent sessions that I wanted to share with you all. We've had a lot of newborns recently. Thank you for choosing me to capture this special time. Welcome to Jennifer Photography!

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